Vendor reviews: Scams, adulteration and more...
General statistics
total samples analysed 135 of which adulterated/mislabeled samples: 6
Vendors selling mislabeled or adulterated substances
- gr8researchchemicals-eu
Substances tested: 36
Substances adulterated/mislabeled:1
Description of adulteration/mislabeling: Supposed ephenedine was actually eutylone
Substances tested: 9
Substances adulterated/mislabeled: 5
Description of adulteration/mislabeling: Samples came with no label, they had QR code stickers instead which were not readable in 3 out of 9 samples. 5 out of 9 samples were NOT ordered but sent instead, one of them was a scheduled substance.
More info on the specific substances detected coming soon as we confirm identity with LC-MS and NMR.
Vendors that did not ship despite being paid
The following vendors have either not shipped even after being paid, or samples were lost in transit and never arrived and they never offered any explanations nor refund: