Kykeon Analytics presenting novel methodology at qNMR Conference

Kykeon Analytics presenting novel methodology at qNMR conference

Kykeon presenting drug checking methodology with NMR
Kykeon Analytics presenting at qNMR Summit 2023

Two of our Kykeon employees have participated in the qNMR summit of 2023, presenting some of their excellent work on "Developing an innovative database for the simultaneous identification and quantification of Novel Psychoactive Substances via benchtop NMR".

Even though the conference was not focused on the ideas of harm reduction, but rather more on industry and academic use of qNMR, Kykeon´s presentation was received very positively. Many people approached our Kykeon colleagues with comments and questions.

We are proud to be able to show our work and prove the legitimacy of our novel methods also in more formal settings. Below is the PDF with the slides used in our presentation, for those who weren´t able to attend:

Let us know if you have any questions about our presentation!
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